Website insights & tips
We love to learn, in fact with each project we learn something new!
This blog is our way of sharing our knowledge with business owners to help them with their website & online presence.
How to create a great website for a restaurant / Cafe’
In the movie Burnt the Maiter D talks about the whole experience and how answering the phone for a booking is part of it – to add to this I say that the first point of contact, the website also has an important part to play.
Get festive online - tips on how to prepare your digital assets for the holiday season
It is the festive season - if you sell a seasonal product or service you are most likely already making sure all your online assets are up to date, but even if not, here are a few tips you can implement to your online assets so your message is more personalised and seasonally appropriate.
Get your message across with imagery online
Your website probably has beautiful banner photos that help communicate your message to your visitors. But is this enough?
To maximize your presence online you must keep up your communication style across all media channels – social, blogging & EDMs.
Make your blog stand out on the web with photos, keywords & a great title
This article is aimed to help business owners that blog - whether using Blogger, Wordpress, Squarspace or a custom blog, these tips will hep you with your blogging strategy.
Legal Tips for Business Websites
Having an effective website is critical for every business. But it can be easy to get caught up in design and content, without having regard to important legal issues.
Here are three legal tips for business websites:
Tips for choosing the right Domain Name for your website
My tips and some key points to consider when choosing a domain name
5 ways to incorporate video content to your company website
Videos are extremely popular these days and help convert your website visitors into paying clients. There are many was you can use video on your website - here are five examples.
7 steps to take on your website when rebranding
When rebranding It is not as simple as replacing your logo on your site, here are some other issues to consider
5 things to look at on your business website Google Analytics.
With every custom design website we develop at Webby, we set up and add a Google Analytics account but we are often ask by the client - 'what do I do with this? as it is very overwhelming for the business owner.Though we can provide the service of analyzing website statistics, we do believe the business owner should take ownership and understand the basics.
What makes a great 'website coming soon' page
What does a great 'coming soon' (also know as ‘launch page’ page should include?
What are the font options to use on your website
One of the most common question I’m asked by my clients is why can’t you use a nicer font on my website? The answer is not that simple as changing a font…
So what is the best font to use on your website?
There are basically 3 options when using fonts on a website:
5 things to consider before adding your professional photo to your website
Today I had a professional photo-shoot - the intention was to get a new photo for my website. This made me think about this topic and since many of my clients face this 'dilemma' I have decided to write about it.
How to to bring your business idea to life - online in easy steps
Being involved in the Bringing Your Business Idea To Life Expo got me thinking about start ups and decided to put together a 'guide' for start ups for their online presence.
As a start up, you are probably overwhelmed by all the tasks you need to get done before even launching your product - business registration, banking, branding, product development, testing, packaging, social media....the list goes on and on!
YouTube Channel Tips for business
You tube is a great social media channel as it provides a platform to share video content online. More and more businesses are using YouTube so I put together a few tips to help you maximise results from your channel.
Online Reviews - What you should do to help promote your website and business
Online reviews site have been around for a while now and changed the way consumers make decisions as the feedback is available for anyone to read on the web and is considered ‘real’ as it is coming from a third party (not on company website).
How to use Instagram for your business and integrate with your main website
So many business owners that met lately are getting on Instagram - the problem is they do know what to do with it! Instagram is a great tool and get be used to help toy with your overall online strategy and help your business.
SEO - It's (almost) all about the copy....
As a web developer, I’m often asked ether by a client, on an online forum or a network about SEO. It is one of the most talked about issue for website owners – how can I rank better on Google (or any search engine).
New Business Start Ups - what you need to do before setting up a website
Congratulations - you have a business idea and starting up a business. One of many jobs you will have is setting up a website. This is not only big expense but also requires planning if you want to get it right.
There are however some essentials you should action first, before setting up the website:
What to look for in your Google Analytics Stats
In a recent business network I was asked a good question about web stats – what can they teach us and what to look for. I was amazed to see that all 10 business owners in the room had Google Analytics installed but not only did not know ‘what to do with it’ but more importantly never look at it. Once you install and verify Google Analytics on your site, here are my tips on what to look for.
Will web videos replace web copy?
Videos is becoming more and more popular as they helps the business communicate a message to visitors in a quick and visual way. A 1 to 2 minute video can communicate to visitors what your business is about, what you offer listed to testimonials and view samples / work all at the same time.